
Ethos & Vision


Vision Statement

"Life to the full for everyone"

Developing character and bringing HOPE through wisdom, courage, compassion, and community.


Mission statement

Our passion for educating the whole character is supported by our Principles of HOPE.

We aspire to enable every member of St Peter’s to be able to say, “People believe the best of me here. I am safe. I take considered risks in order to learn and grow. I bring the best of me to St Peter’s and serve others to live the best life they can too.”

Our Principles of HOPE are the means by which we achieve our vision. These are inspired by educational research and the Christian understanding of hope which is ‘confident expectation’ and ‘firm assurance’.’

This means that we aim to provide  HOPE to everyone in every situation. Our Principles of HOPE are embedded into our daily life and our long term aims so we enable all to live ‘life to the full’  and become the best well-rounded characters they can.


Principles of HOPE:

H Habits for Character
O Opportunities for all
P Partners in Learning
E Enjoyment, Equity & Excellence

Habits for Character

Every day we aim to develop the whole character of every member of our community.   The St Peter’s Character Compass  describes the habits for character that support excellence in learning and positive character development in all contexts. Using habits for character helps everyone to be the best they can be.

St Peter's develops open-minded, creative, possibility thinkers who are encouraged to take considered risks and are able to aspire to ambitious goals; leading their own independent and interdependent learning.


Opportunities for all

Every day, we provide targeted, ambitious, planned and flexible opportunities for everyone to be the best they can be.

St Peter's is an inclusive and caring community built on Christian values. This means we view one another as people who can make a positive difference to the world.

We seek to develop Global Citizens who embody "the change they want to see in the world".



Partners in Learning is about everyone doing their best to play their part in working together for the good of the students. It's simple. When the students, parents, carers, governors and staff work in partnership together, students will have greater access to a appropriately ambitious opportunities. This means we expect, every day, all students, parents, carers, governors and staff to believe the best of one another, supporting each other to live the best life they can.



Enjoyment is important. Enjoyment will often come as a result of working hard and not giving up - perservering through challenges in lessons or other aspects of life. Enjoyment will often be experienced because we enjoy working together in lessons, or as part of our Character Building Clubs, enrichment programme or residentials. 

Equity means we seek to understand the various needs of individuals and offer whatever support we can in order to provide the best opportunities for everyone to live their best life. 

Excellence every day, is the aim for staff and we ask the same of governors, students, parents and carers too. Everyone contributes excellence in learning and behaviour in order to create a safe and inspiring learning environment. 

At St Peter's our curriculum provides an abundance of opportunities to grow in HOPE, wisdom, courage, compassion and community. 

For more on our approaches to education please view our Principles of HOPE brochure:

View Our Principles of HOPE brochure

The St Peter’s Character Compass

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”


View Our Character Compass


A compass guides.  It provides security.  It’s a tool that can help when you are lost.  It gives you faith to continue travelling in the right direction, even if you can’t see the destination.  The St Peter’s Character Compass is a habit creating tool that enables us to proactively build  Habits for Character that helps us persevere with challenges, steady our hearts and deal with the storms of life.

Daily integration and application of The St Peter’s Character Compass means that students learn HOW they learn. This enables St Peter’s students to embed the habit of learning across subjects and experiences.  In turn it empowers them to, in the words of renowned development psychologist, Piaget, “Know what to do when they don’t know what to do”, because they are in the habit of learning.


The School Prayer

Father, in St Peter You have shown us how You
Transform ordinary people and make them special
Make us like him: rock-like in our faith,
Courageous in our love and willing to risk all for Christ
Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
Now and forever.




Ethos and Vision Date  
HOPE brochure 12th Sep 2022 Download
Character Compass Definitions 04th Feb 2020 Download