
St Peter’s CofE School - EXCELLENT!

Following a two day inspection St Peter’s, Exeter has been awarded the top grade of ‘Excellent’. All Church of England schools have an additional inspection to Ofsted called SIAMS.

The SIAMS inspection found that at St Peter’s:

  • “The attainment and progress of all is closely monitored and effective individualised support is in place for the more vulnerable”.
  • “a range of values are exceptionally well developed across the curriculum”
  • “Along with the inspirational leadership of the Headteacher, Chaplain, Senior Leaders and Governors have a shared understanding of the vision and use it as a touchstone when making decisions and setting priorities”.
  • “The Christian vision and its associated principles successfully energise all aspects of the school’s life in exemplary ways. Through them staff and pupils positively work together to flourish”.
  • “The wellbeing of staff, pupils and families is taken seriously through compassionate and practical pastoral support. Pupils themselves take a role in supporting their peers”.
  • “Personal responsibility is given an extremely high priority. This is admirably expressed through pupils taking responsibility for themselves and others inside and outside of school”.
  • “The quality of work around the Character Compass and its influence on pupil’s personal and academic development is a genuine strength of the school”.
  • “Collective worship is central to school life through which pupils are successfully helped to consider the relevance of biblical teaching to life today, this encourages them to act positively in the service of others”. 
  • The Religious Education Team were described as having, “very good leadership which has led to improvement … to the curriculum and to attitudes to learning”.

The new SIAMS inspection framework is a much more demanding process with the expectation that some previously top graded schools will no longer maintain this prestigious badge of honour.

Chair of Governors, Karen Leach said, “The last inspection in June 2014, under a less demanding framework rated the school as ‘Good’ so to get the top grade of ‘Excellent’ is very pleasing and recognition of the enormous efforts of students, staff, parents and governors”.

Headteacher, Phil Randall commented, “The excellent inspection outcome is all about how as a community we have worked together relentlessly to deliver our vision of, life to the full for everyone.  It is absolutely a team effort over five years that has brought this excellent outcome. Well done and thank you to staff, students, parents, carers and governors.

There is still plenty for us to develop and we look forward to building on this success”.


Page Downloads Date  
SIAMS Pilot Inspections follow up letter St Peters 04th Feb 2020 Download
St Peters Exeter Final SIAMS Report May 2019 002 14th Sep 2021 Download